Moffen Svalbard HGR Photo Dr. Verena Meraldi

Svalbard: Travel Guide

From endless day to endless night, everything about the Svalbard archipelago is extreme. This is the Arctic at its wildest.

Svalbard balances at the very top of the world. Spanning the 74th and 81st parallels north, the archipelago in the High Arctic is closer to the North Pole than it is to Norway.

This is a frozen land of calving glaciers, iceberg-flecked fjords, and hardy animals, such as walruses, blue whales, and polar bears. It’s also a place where sunlight dances on the ocean’s ripples and wildflowers transform the tundra in mere days. In summer, the sun doesn’t set for four months. In winter, the longest night lasts for nearly three months, creating an uninterrupted canvas for the Northern Lights.

If it weren’t for the Gulf Stream, Svalbard’s nine main islands – of which Spitsbergen is the largest – would be locked in ice all year round. Thanks to those warming waters, the best way to visit Svalbard is on a cruise.

“There is nowhere that compares to Svalbard,” says Alberto Lozano, the Head Chef of Huset, a fine-dining restaurant in Longyearbyen. “It’s so isolated but you find a lot of good friends and a lot of things that you would never otherwise experience, such as the animals, the sea life, and expeditions. Things just happen here!”

We’ve spoken to the people who live here to find out everything there is to know about life on Svalbard. Read on to find out when and how to travel to Svalbard, what to do when you get there, and learn more about its history and wildlife.

When is the best time to visit Svalbard?

In Svalbard, the seasons swing between summer and winter far more rapidly than most of us are used to.

Average seasonal temperatures range from -20°C in January to 7°C in July, although variations can be extreme. The coldest Svalbard temperature on record is -43°C (March 1986). In July 2020, the temperature peaked at 23°C.

Locals refer to three distinct seasons: Polar summer, from mid-May to the end of September; Northern Lights winter, from October to February; and sunny winter, from March to mid-May.

Alberto finds it hard to choose a favourite season in Svalbard. “There is real beauty in all of them. I truly appreciate the pure darkness of the dark season. It’s a cosy time but it can be hard for a lot of people. Summer is also very nice and when we’re in it, I'm very happy. I enjoy the present, so I live every season with happiness!”

The length and depth of the Polar Night here makes Svalbard one of the best places in the world to see the Northern Lights. The sun doesn’t peep above the horizon from 26 October to 16 February. The very darkest night covers the islands from 14 November to 29 January, when the sun is more than 6 degrees below the horizon. You’re as likely to see the Northern Lights at lunchtime as you are at bedtime.


Svalbard’s summer months, lit by the Midnight Sun from 20 April to 22 August, are the best time to spot wildlife and take in the archipelago’s incredible scenery. This is also when the milder Svalbard weather conditions make outdoor activities much more comfortable.

“I really love the summer, because you get to travel by boat and you can hike for 24 hours a day. You can hike at two in the morning if you feel like it,” says Caroline Sund, a Travel Designer for Hurtigruten Svalbard who has lived here since 2021. “We are lucky to have mountains right next to Longyearbyen town centre. Within two hours you can be on top of a mountain with an amazing view of the town and the mountains beyond.”

It's worth being aware how quickly conditions can change on Svalbard, though. “If you're snowmobiling in the colder months, for example, on the glacier to the east coast, it can be so windy that you get complete whiteout. It makes me feel like I'm on the moon; it's like a different planet, a completely unique experience. It might be a little scary, but you have the guide taking care of you, so it's not dangerous.”

The best things to do in Svalbard

Svalbard Dog Sledding HGR 163417 Espen Mills

Try dog sledding

Not only for the snowy months! Dog sledding on wheels surrounded by mighty mountains is an unforgettable experience, especially beneath the Midnight Sun.

Restaurant Nansen HGR 136287 Agurtxane Concellon

Taste Longyearbyen

Despite having around only 2,500 residents, Svalbard’s capital is a surprisingly cosmopolitan place, home to one of the best restaurants in Norway and the world’s northernmost brewery.

polar bear 2 Svalbard HGR 157025 Shutterstock

Watch for polar bears

Svalbard is one of the best places in the world to see polar bears. There’s no guarantee, but you might see them prowling the islands' shores and ice floes as you sail past.

A whale tail appears from the Arctic Ocean in the waters around Svalbard

Go whale watching

Blue, beluga, and humpback whales frequent these waters in summer. Look out for them breaching, spouting, and spyhopping among the icebergs.

Roald Amundsen statue Ny Alesund Svalbard HGR 124210 Andrea Klaussner

Dig into Svalbard’s past

Peel back the layers of Svalbard's heritage as you discover its whaling past, the cultural legacy of coal mining, and Svalbard’s role in modern science.


Experience the Midnight Sun

In summer, Svalbard basks in sunlight for 24 hours a day. It’s an invigorating time, when Longyearbyen and the wider archipelago come alive with activity and wildlife.

How to travel to Svalbard

It’s easier to reach this remote Arctic outpost that you might think. Most visitors fly into Longyearbyen, Svalbard’s main settlement, from Oslo or Tromsø, but there is a more scenic way to get here too.

Between May and September, The Svalbard Line sails from Bergen to Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund and back again via several carefully chosen Norwegian ports. You can also choose the northbound voyage and disembark in Longyearbyen.

Once you’re here, public transport is virtually non-existent. It’s dangerous to explore beyond the boundaries of Longyearbyen without a professional guide, due to the threats posed by polar bears. The edge of safety is marked by a series of road signs depicting polar bears.

6 surprising facts about Svalbard

1. Visas? No need!

Did you know that you don't need a visa to live or work in Svalbard? It's all thanks to the Svalbard Treaty of 1920. People from more than 50 different countries live here, bringing with them a lively mix of cultures and stories.

2. Svalbard has more polar bears than people

Believe it or not, there are more polar bears roaming around Svalbard than there are humans! An estimated 3,000 polar bears live on the islands, plus the many creatures that make up their food chain, such as walruses and seals.

3. Guns are recommended

When you step outside the settlements in Svalbard, carrying a gun is more than just a safety tip; you’d be foolish not to. It’s legally required to carry some kind of polar bear deterrent, and firearms are the most effective way to protect yourself.

4. With love, from the top of the world

The small village of Ny-Ålesund is home to the world's northernmost post office. It's not just a lifeline for the locals but also a magnet for stamp collectors dreaming of those rare Arctic postmarks.

5. No births, no burials

Life should not begin or end on Svalbard. Owing to a lack of medical facilities, expectant mums usually head to mainland Norway for childbirth. And because of the permafrost, burying the deceased in coffins here isn't possible either. Life's cycle is unique here.

6. Wi-Fi in the wilderness

Despite its remote location, Longyearbyen boasts one of the highest broadband internet speeds in the world. It’s connected via an undersea fibre optic cable. Once you leave the town, however, connectivity is largely restricted to satellite phones or InReach devices for emergencies.

More about Svalbard

From its incredible variety of flora and fauna to its surprising history, there’s far more to Svalbard than darkness, daylight and ice.

walrus Smeerenburg Svalbard HGR 157775 Jan Hvizdal

Nature and wildlife in Svalbard

This beautiful archipelago is home to an amazing array of wildlife that has adapted to thrive in the frozen landscapes and extreme climate of the Far North.


Svalbard’s intriguing past

For a place so remote, Svalbard’s past is surprisingly lively. Its rich history is marked by exploration, experimentation, and international influences.


The Svalbard Line: Through the lens of a travel photographer

How an opportunity to sail Norway’s coast to the remote Arctic archipelago of Svalbard led to Dylan McBurney winning a National Geographic Traveller photography award.

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